National contribution to the study on The Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market

The Czech Republic has published its national contribution to the EMN study on The Integration of applicants for international protection in the labour market, which can be found in the Publications section or directly here .

This study aims to:

  • Map the current national legal and policy approaches to providing labour market access for applicants for international protection in EMN Member and Observer States;
  • Map current national measures in EMN Member States and Observer States aimed at promoting labour market access for applicants for international protection and potential barriers to access;
  • Identify key actors in the EMN Member States and Observer States, including the regional level (where relevant), who are involved in or responsible for the design and implementation of support measures aimed at facilitating the integration of applicants for international protection into the labour market;
  • Provide examples of good practices and challenges for EMN Member and Observer States regarding measures taken to facilitate access to the labour market for applicants for international protection, at the national, regional or local level.

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