New inform on labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine

The European Migration Network has published new information on labour market integration of beneficiaries of temporary protection from Ukraine.

The massive inflow of people fleeing Russia’s war of aggression against Ukraine triggered significant migration to the EU. Eurostat data indicates that by November 2023, over 4.27 million non-EU citizens who fled Ukraine due to the 2022 Russian invasion were under temporary protection in the EU – with Germany, Poland, and the Czech Republic hosting approximately 60% of these individuals. Individuals from Ukraine constituted the majority of beneficiaries of temporary protection, with adult women forming a significant portion.

Measures aiming to facilitate the transition of beneficiaries from social welfare to financial independence (‘bridging measures’) are highlighted, with attention also given to measures supporting beneficiaries who are not able to cover their basic needs with their income.

While common themes such as immediate access to the labour market and promoting self-sufficiency prevail, tailored support and sector-specific approaches underscore the need for flexibility. Language acquisition and qualification alignment emerge as crucial components for integration. Various strategies such as individual counselling, one-stop-shop services, and sector-specific initiatives aim to facilitate labour market integration. Ongoing efforts also include awareness campaigns, and collaborative endeavours and partnerships between private, non-profit/civil society and public organisations.

Host countries are implementing measures to aid those under temporary protection in moving from joblessness to financial independence, defined as bridging measures. While most offer broad support, targeted help for employed beneficiaries who find it difficult to meet basic needs is often missing. In the majority of host countries, involvement in the labour marktet integration efforts is voluntary.

The full text of the inform can be found here .

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